The Most Powerful Strategy: Word of Mouth!

In every industry, Word of Mouth (WOM) is still the powerful source both in marketing or public relations strategy. What about in the online village? Yes indeed. Nielsen’s Research shows that the consumer recommendation that came from Word-of-Mouth process is the most trusted source.

The research shows that about 90% respondents trust the recommendation from other consumers, where more than 30% ‘trust completely’ and more than 50% ‘trust somewhat’. There’s just only 10% that told ‘don’t trust much’ and ‘don’t trust at all the recommendation from others.

consumer trust other consumer, source: mix, p.6, No. 2009
consumer trust other consumer, source: mix, p.6, No. 2009
graphic wom kecil
Online Result, source: mix, p.6, Nov. 2009

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